8-6-2013 9-38-34 PM


Each level of an organization has a reduced visibility to smaller details. The operator, to the supervisor,

manager, general manager etc. I am not saying that everyone is oblivious to what is actually going on, only that focus changes with responsibility.

Now, that being said, consider issues that you are having. Has anyone every sent an email or shared

information that was not relevant or even obvious and the entire word was on the memo? Along the same lines there are a select group of people that wish to share as much complaining as possible; with everyone, and I mean everyone. It is OK to be transparent. State the facts,and only the facts. That may be that X is happening or Y, Z etc. However, there are a lot of positive things too.

Consider each level in management as a zoom option for a mosaic poster. Each mosaic is made up of tiny tiles, ranging from colors to individual pictures making another picture. Upon inspection up close of a true mosaic - there are lots of mini details. As you step back with each zoom adjustment a picture starts to form. By the time you are a few feet away the picture resembles another completely different image. At the closest level - there is a busy fury of items, which make the whole unit. Think about that when you share all of the issues you faced today. Do you need to reflect upon each detail or do we need to simply step back and view the picture as a whole? By keeping to the facts, and answering questions it can change the entire perception. Most of the time your boss, and the boss of you boss (and so up) want a different zoom.

Lastly, keep chain of command etiquette. It is important that each level of the organization get the proper chances to fix any problems. By bypassing an individual in the COC (chain of command) it becomes more questionable of actual intent. Not to mention that when you need help one day the resources may not be available. Airing dirty laundry (your or someone else s issues) is a careful line to walk.