There is something to be said for team events. Getting away from the confines of the office and seeing the people you work with in an outside environment can do a lot for a group. We tend to forget that each person we work with, for, or works for us - has a life outside of the office. Many of the people are leaders of their church, on the PTA, and have many things they do - that we are not aware of. Some are even small business owners or contribute large amounts of energy to charity. A part of what make you, you, are the things which we do not talk about and I believe it is important to know that. The work self is only a small fraction of how we occupy our time on this Earth.

The event does not have to be anything fancy. Sure, some companies have large banquets - which can cost upwards of six figures. It does not have to be that for the same effect. Consider having a cook out and inviting the team over. If you need to have an offsite meeting somewhere central to the nationwide team - plan a place where activities after the conference can be just as rewarding.  The time spent with one another talking about the things which do not usually come up in the business meeting will more for your business than a pep talk meeting.

Sometimes people want to feel... people wish to know who they work for has feelings to. We want to share, and break bread with people who they too can learn from, not just in the executive conference room. People, by nature, are social and are seeking more in life than the next deadline. Take time to get to know your team, and in turn, your team will go to the next level.



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