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Saturday, June 7, 2014

Checklists, process drift, SOP’s

thebusinessdude posted: "  It is a good idea to consider how things take place. What sequence of events must transpire to ensure that when you need to be ready, you are? In the event of a crisis – what are you going to do? Is there a specific list of action items that "
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New post on the business dude - business, continuous improvement, management, consulting

Checklists, process drift, SOP's

by thebusinessdude


It is a good idea to consider how things take place. What sequence of events must transpire to ensure that when you need to be ready, you are? In the event of a crisis – what are you going to do? Is there a specific list of action items that need to happen in order for the event to be mitigated? The answer, in many cases, is yes (for most people).  That is why there are medical professionals that require standard work in the form of checklists prior to or post operation. By operation, I mean an activity. It does not have to be a hospital room. For example, when I used to donate plasma to Baxter (a.k.a. BioLife), there were SOP's (standard operating procedures) just for hooking up or discharging a donor. If you were a pilot – there is a "preflight" (and post, and emergency…) checklist. A good book on the topic is called, The Checklist Manifestoby Atul Gawande

I bring this up, because I truly believe that no matter how talented we are, or how many times we have performed a specific task, there is a margin of error. While in a training today, I identified with one quote. That is, "It is better to be safe 100 times, than dead once." (Mark Twain).  It is true; one critical error or even a non critical error can spawn a cascade of events. Replication, is just that, the exact copy of something. In manufacturing – the costs go up with mistakes. That could be in the form of media attention which creates bad PR (GM, Toyota recalls or Kraft cottage cheese potential spoilage) or just an increase in COGs from changes to a process.

There is a fascinating phenomenon that happens over time which is process drifting or shifting. It can be explained quite simply by small changes that take place over time. The game telephone is an over exaggerated version of this, but is still a valid example. It starts with one minute change by an operator or machine. Then gradually, the process looks nothing like it did and depending on what checks you have in place will determine if you catch it or not. I have even been witness to processes that were deviated against for so long, that to change the process would actually change the product profile that the customer expected. In that case, the cost of goods was increased based on a drift which created a "new" set of specifications, which were the drifted process, not the original or intended.

Cover of "The Checklist Manifesto: How to...Consider taking a task and standardizing it, using the operators to create the ideal list of checks. Sure, you will want to involve others from management, quality (etc.) but start with the basics. What are the most simple things – which are critical to the process? Also, pick up the book – Mr. Gawande is really the SME (subject matter expert).


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Atul Gawande, Checklist, Checklist Manifesto, Gawande, Preflight, The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right
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Friday, June 6, 2014

“Greatness” by David Marquet-TheLeanThinker.com

thebusinessdude posted: "I am sharing this, courtesy of theleanthinker.com. You can view the article here: "Greatness" by David Marquet-TheLeanThinker.com The article is about empowerment, and really nails the message.  The video is a good piece as well, and is a visu"
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New post on the business dude - leadership, consulting, problem solving, continuous improvement, leadership, management

"Greatness" by David Marquet-TheLeanThinker.com

by thebusinessdude
I am sharing this, courtesy of theleanthinker.com.
You can view the article here: "Greatness" by David Marquet-TheLeanThinker.com The article is about empowerment, and really nails the message.  The video is a good piece as well, and is a visual piece to the great article which Mark has written.

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thebusinessdude | June 6, 2014 at 5:03 PM | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p3vOZI-g4
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Monday, June 2, 2014

Bit Literacy - free Amazon kindle eBook

Here is a free Amazon kindle ebook for free. Bit Literacy is said to be great; it discusses new ways to gain productivity in a busy, fast paced, technology driven world. Please review, share and comment on what you think.

“Bit Literacy offers a solution to email overload, media overload, and other kinds of information overload. The daily flood of e-mail, multiple todo lists, a cluttered desktop, documents in various file formats, and the constant distraction of cell phones are all problems that people desperately need help with. More than a quick fix or another “how-to” guide, Bit Literacy offers an entirely new way of gaining productivity, and lowering stress, that users at any level of expertise can put into action right away. Mark Hurst – who has reached hundreds of thousands of readers through his Good Experience blog and Uncle Mark guides, has revealed the way to survive, and thrive, in the digital age: “Let the bits go.”

Hurst, Mark. Bit Literacy: Productivity in the Age of Information and E-mail Overload. New York: Good Experience, 2007. Print.

Bit Literacy - free Amazon kindle eBook

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Sunday, June 1, 2014

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