nk about what numbers you report. Most teams have some KPI (key process indicator) which they report against (to). It is a terrible feeling to calculate how well the team is performing and realize it is not where you (or your manager) wants. I have heard of, read about, or observed numbers being adjusted to get closer to the goal. Maybe you are supposed to run at 90% efficiency but ran at 75%; consider a few adjustments, counting things that are a "stretch", or rounding up (exaggerating). "Well, reporting an 85% will keep the boss off my back - but we both realize that the goal was not met." These, my friend are a gross example of "feel good numbers."
Metrics are there to be a quick indicator as to how well we are doing. A higher number, should fall in line with a lower COG's for the time interval or maybe how well we utilized our labor - or how well the machine was utilized. Regardless - no one is gaining anything by the adjustments. By showing a false number, you are really just setting yourself up for much more scrutiny. Questions will start to be asked - how are we losing money but showing great numbers? In reality, it is much better to report the number regardless of "how that makes you look." It should not matter if your baseline is 50% or 75%. If you are not at goal - you now have a gap to close in on. I posted a few days ago - the fundamentals of problem solving - and how it only takes 3 things; where we are, where we are going and the gap we must close to achieve the desired result.
Feel good numbers DO NOT benefit anyone. Reporting incorrect numbers will challenge your credibility, may not get attention (help) against your problem areas, or set you up for failure or a quick exit strategy. Bottom line is -- reporting correctly is important to you and your team plus the org supporting it all. By just "feeling good" a viscous circle may be started: incorrect numbers, less attention, less activities or help is offered... which leads to less chances of resolution which ends back at "feel good numbers."

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