Network Marketing: The People Business.
Hey there, everyone! My name is Brian Juhl, and I'm an eighteen year old network marketer hailing from rural Kansas (aka the middle of nowhere). I'm very excited to be guest blogging here on!
So what exactly is network marketing?
Network marketing is a method in which a company moves a product by word-of-mouth marketing through independent representatives. You may have heard of companies like Advocare, Isagenix, Herbalife, Nikken, Team Beachbody, etc etc. These companies move their product, in those cases a nutritional product or product line, through average ordinary people who have signed up to become independent reps. Reps not only make commission off of the product they move personally, but also have the ability to refer new reps and leverage commissions off the product that they move.
So let's break it down.
A new company creates an innovative weight loss supplement, but in place of advertising it through traditional channels (web, print, tv, and radio), they elect to take the route of network marketing and leverage the power of word-of-mouth marketing. Instead of using profits to advertise, they give a percentage of the profit back to independent reps.
So anyone can sign up to be an independent rep and operate a home business selling this new companies' product.
An example:
Phillip has a friend who tells him about this new innovative weight loss pill that he just must try. Phillip buys a bottle, loses 50 lbs (I'm being a little extreme here), and becomes a walking testimonial for the product. Phillip's friend is a representative of the company and he made a commission when Phillip bought that bottle. Phillip knows many people who would benefit from this product and has already begun to spread the word. Phillip's friend lets him know that on top of being a customer, for a small fee, he can sign up and become a representative just like he is, and make commission off of selling the product. Phillip, excited at the prospect of being able to sell the product that changed his life, signs up immediately and begins to share his story with the world.
Now here is the really cool part.
Not only did Phillip's friend make a commission off of the product that Phillip purchased, but now since Phillip is a rep, Phillip's friend will make commission off of all the future sales that Phillip makes. So when Phillip succeeds, Phillip's friend succeeds, thus giving Phillip's friend a reason to be very interested in helping Phillip in anyway that he can.
In conclusion.
Network marketing allows anyone, and I mean anyone (I've worked with realtors, doctors, fast food employees, retail people, and teachers), to start a home-based business and make commissions off of not only the product sales they personally make, but also the sales of people that join their sales organization.
The real power of network marketing comes from building a large sales organization of representatives all working together to move a product and recruit more reps. Do you see what that leads to?
You're overriding all those representatives's commissions!
That's called residual income. Can one hundred people talk to more people in a 24 period than you can? Absolutely. That's called the power of leverage. I'm telling you people, there is a reason why Warren Buffet owns three network marketing companies. Warren Buffet understands the power of leverage, he receives over four thousand income streams per month! Four thousand different checks each month! Does Warren Buffet work four thousand different 9-5 jobs? No!
The dream of any serious network marketer is to get to the point where they are so insignificant to their own sales organization that all they're doing is collecting residual income checks each month.
Can you see why I've devoted so much of my time to the network marketing industry? I'm eighteen years old, I have my own office, I've qualified for my company to pay for a brand new BMW, and I have absolutely no intention of going on to college to further my education. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against education by any means! It just wasn't for me.
Well, that's all I have for today!
All I can say is, check out network marketing if you're looking to make some income on the side! There are a lot of great companies out there.
Hopefully you enjoyed this article! I'm looking forward to writing many more guest posts here on!
If you want to read more of my stuff or connect with me, feel free to head over to my website
To your success.
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