In April of last year, I went to the Lawrence Human Society. We had found a cat, “Leo,” from their website and decided to go take a look. I walked out with an orange and white medium-short-haired fur-baby. It is one of the best decisions that I have ever made. I have had many cats throughout my life. Almost all of them ended for one reason or another with a rehoming. A lot of time it was moving or that I was immature in that aspect of my care. While most were litter trained, I was not in a place where accidents or litter messy boded well and lacked the patience to retrain as necessary. This time has been much different. Kazho (cause-yo), Potawatomi for cat, is much more like a life partner.
While I looked for work, became depressed – he was there. When I moved from St. Joseph, MO to Lawrence, KS, he was there. When I spent endless hours gaming to pass the time, he was on my lap with me. He just seems to know when I need that little extra something – and happens to be there. Once I started working again and the apartment was empty a lot of the time, I noticed that he became somewhat depressed. Lindsay and I once again went to the Lawrence Humane Society and walked the isles for a companion for him. We left that day with a 3 mo. kitten called “Peanut.” While the bond took awhile to get right, they are now inseparable. His name changed to Sox.
Whether it is Kazho’s quirk of using his paws to drink water (much like a Raccoon), or Sox’s need to nurse my neck (yes it is as weird as it sounds), they fit right in. Kazho, a fully declawed (not my doing), chunk of sass and cuddles and Sox, a squinty scarred eye fireball, are my buddies. I get them – and them me. I would change many aspects of my life before letting anything happen to them. I am grateful for their love, cuddles, and even the shenanigans that they bring with their cat-sass-attitudes.
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