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Friday, March 27, 2020

america and pretending social distance

I was thinking about the world a bit. How China has people that have re-tested positive for COVID-19. Or perhaps, they were never cured? We don’t know what we don’t know and that, friends, is scary to me. My mind continues to wander all over the place and like a complicated game of lights out, I cannot get them all. Wrapping up this week – and wondering what the next will have in store for us. I do see glimmers of hope in basic humanity. The silver lining, if I can find one. I did not intend to go on a rant, but it looks like my sci-fi story will wait another day. Prepare…bleeeeghhh…

I mention us as spoiled, since I was thinking about what a lockdown is, or could be. I was thinking about how we have declared only essential functions still be performed, and just like the bureaucrats, have missed the mark. I mean, I need my Starbucks. My for-profit sandwich place is still open. I still get to interact with people making it. Handing it to me. And we are kidding ourselves if that is protecting us. While the lack of crowds is a great step, we neglect to think about the young man or young woman working today for that sandwich. They may have a grandma in their home. Or younger brother and sister. We have convinced ourselves that we are doing something, which is better than nothing, and by the way, we really didn’t lose a whole lot of convenience. The contact is still there – and while it may not be exploiting all of the risks – the curve is not going to flatten. A lockdown should be painful. Truly isolating. We have done the equivalent of sending the misbehaving child to his or her room with a video game awaiting. But they are in their room… Checkbox.

I don’t know right now. I have never felt so aimless in my life. Scratch that, I have. But never, like this, without some structure. In the prior case of aimlessness, I chose to avoid the structure. Rebelled maybe? Now, I read countless blogs, posts, tweets, feeds, texts… all experiencing some form of this. The news is bad. Many people are actually trying to quarantine. The news is still bad. Which of my friends or family is at greatest risk? How can I go one step further? What if… what if… what if… It probably did not help that I did my Last Will and Testament. I had not updated since my life circumstances changed. And considering the increased possibilities of things – I wanted to make sure things were taken care of.

Well, I did not intend to post today. Or go dark as I did. I heard the neighbors (a young group of guys) hanging out in their driveway… I remembered seeing another group… I saw the line at Starbucks as I drove from work. (My work is in food manufacturing – so I am still working.) Then I contemplated what would a true lockdown look like. And why do we try to do both? I don’t know. This post is rawer (less polished than some). Sorry about that. I just wanted the words out there; the thoughts worked through.

I am calling this post done today. Feedback always welcome.

I truly do wish you the best. Try to stay safe. WW. joe.

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