The funny thing about social distancing is that it also has the exact opposite impacts. The inverse of staying away is being captive together. There is a funny post that is making its way around that explores what the weekend travel plans are… Comedically, the travel plan is a picture of the house footprint; we are cooped up with one another. And while we are trying hard to keep safe (whatever that really means) distances from the general public, we are also tethered to those we live with. Personal space challenges can be a real struggle. The normal day-to-day lives become somewhat pressurized which can lead to irritation, sensitivity, overwhelmed feelings and other big feelings.

So while there are still lots of things we are uncertain about, considering California and New York are now locked down as of yesterday and today, we have to find ways to stay sane. Lots of questions come to mind ranging from “Will [insert your state] lockdown too? What does that mean? Work? What about essentials? How long?”, just to name a few. I am ultimately not worried in the sense that I feel we will fall into anarchy, starve, fall into some dystopian society, or the like. The anxiety that is forming stems from lots of moving parts of uncertainty. The foundational things that we have taken for granted are being pulled up, reviewed, and, in some cases, altered. If you are like me – you build from a structure. My ability to “fly by the seat of my pants” only comes from knowing there are sound foundations at the core.
My week has been weird, in general. I have some things that I am working through and have been working from home over the past week. Finding ways to adapt to the continual moving parts so that I can perform self-care and my professional responsibilities. I think many are doing the same. Each day – something new happens and we react. Schools closed for several weeks… ok adapt… No, schools closed for the balance of the school year…ok adapt… So, back to the foundation convo, it’s like I get knocked down and before I can stand again, another sucker-punch lands square in my kisser. But, we will adapt. That is one of the strengths of humankind. And we are coming together in ways, that I knew we could. We are finding ways to get those social interactions that we do need, being social creatures. (Yes even you introverts [myself included], need some form of public existence.)
For me, this week, I have worked from home. I have taken a couple of days off of work in the middle of this as well. Not so much R&R, referenced in a prior post, but make sure my feet can be flat on a surface before walking again. I have also completed my non-fiction book proposal and submitted it for consideration to over 100 literary agents. A time-consuming task, but it is the process. (Now I get to wait for 4-12 weeks for the rejections to come in. I am not being negative – there is a very high rejection rate.) I have found ways to let my mind wander. Blogging. Researching. I have also started the process to simultaneously write my sci-fi fiction and non-fiction gaming materials. I have decided that being an author is very important to me and I have found joy in this process, especially over the last couple of weeks.
What are you doing to keep your mind moving? To prevent stagnation? How are you coping with people being in your space while confined and being socially distant at the same time? We have to find a spark in us. Especially now. Whatever that spark is, that hope, that joy… explore it. With the uncertainty that will continue to rest on our shoulders, the responsibilities we are picking up to carry human-kind, with the protection of our loved ones… how are you caring for yourself? Find some magic. Tell me about it.
warm wishes. joe.
from WordPress
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